U.S. 17 Hampstead Bypass

Project: NCDOT STIP R-3300A, R-3300B

Counties: New Hanover, Pender

Estimated Cost: $429 million

Projected Start Date: Segment A is underway; Segment B projected to begin late 2026

Overview: Improvement of the U.S. 17 corridor by building a bypass around Hampstead.  Segment A extends from N.C. 140 (formerly known as the U.S. 17 Wilmington Bypass) to N.C. 210.  Segment B would extend from N.C. 210 to north of Hampstead.  Both segments are funded for construction.

DOT Project Page: https://www.ncdot.gov/projects/us-17-hampstead-bypass/Pages/default.aspx

Project Maps: https://www.ncdot.gov/projects/us-17-hampstead-bypass/Pages/project-maps.aspx


The information contained in these pages is based on publicly available information from NCDOT and other sources. Plans change, and some of the information contained in these pages could be outdated or incorrect. Please use this as a guide, and feel free to contact us with any questions.